Friday, July 27, 2018

2018 - So far it is the year of entertaining strangers

This year has been a year of entertaining strangers.  We have hosted an author and her husband.  Yesterday I lead a team that hosted 3000 RAGBRAI riders as they rode through our town.  We hosted our pen pals from Minneapolis whom we had only met one of them one time!  Each opportunity we have to meet new and exciting people, we have taken this year and it has been good for us.  There is a whole wide world of interesting people around, why not get to know them?  In each instance we were able to visit and show hospitality and generally love people whom we may not have ever come into contact with.  Each time we have been given greater opportunities to connect well (or to continue connecting), and even opportunities to try new things or travel ourselves to new places.

I used to think I could only meet interesting people while travelling, but now I see that there are interesting people all over, including close to home.

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